dinsdag 28 augustus 2007

Volle Maan & Maansverduistering 28 augustus

Het was magisch vanavond!

* Tonight is Full Moon/Eclipse, (6:36 AM, Tues, Aug 28)
o Have you been feeling especially tired, stressed, or weighty?
o ~Shedding the Archaic Structures~
Thoughts on this moon, and These Times, bottom of mail.

These Times continue to be noticed by many as especially trying.
They may be.
We are in a whorl of transformation.
Storms, upheaval of so many systems (political, economic,
They are a reflection of our internal alchemies, individually, and
collectively, as well as universal forces at play in these times.
We are ready for transformation.
It is time.
This is the second of the 6 moon prophecies regarding these times.
It is a time for release of archaic structures which no longer serve us.
It is time to take action, which can mean surrendering to the Divine
within us, and to learn how to stand upright, empowered in the reality
of Who We Are.
Many teachers, many of those on the other side, tell us, it is time to
come to revelation of who we are, and that we are so much more than we
have yet to imagine, "Great Luminous Beings of Light", "Children of the
We have so much to offer.
At the same time, many suggest the influx of universal energies which
are asking us to become awake, to come into living in Harmony with All
That Is, The Earth, The Cosmos, and Each Other. These energies can be
trying, and while they can assist us to come into illumination,
awakening, and harmony, they also can serve to make us feel tired, run
down, or exhausted, stressed or anxious, as those parts of us not yet
living in the Presence of ALL That Is, feel the approach of that reality.

It behooves us to spend some time these days, as we pass this phase of a
very special lunar cycle, to rest, reflect, appreciate our lives, let go
of those things which no longer serve us, and to build upon practices
that will assist us to stabilize, value, and empower ourselves in these
coming times of immense collective transformation.
It is time.
For further information/articles, review our Illumination of
Consciousness series notes, and articles, where we go into greater
detail to discuss these Times. See: