Tijdens de laatste Trance-avond, Greek Woman, zag ik het symbool van een cirkel verdeeld in vier segmenten in de kleuren geel, rood, zwart en wit. Ik moest denken aan de deken met dit motief die ik ooit gezien heb.
En ja het gevoel was zo sterk, ik wist gewoon dat ik hem wilde hebben. Vandaag is de deken bezorgd en ik ben er heel erg blij mee. Hij ligt voorlopig op mijn bed en gaat mij helpen de nieuwe fase krachtig en vol vertrouwen in te gaan.
Het symbool staat voor mij voor de verbinding van alle volken in de nieuwe tijd.
Bij de deken zat ook een mooie tekst die ik graag met jullie wil delen. Vandaar dit berichtje.
Circle of Life
The Circle of Life is never-ending. It is the message the Elders – the Chosen Ones – give to their sons and daughters, to their children and their children’s children to the Seventh Generation.
The Elders give spiritual direction, the wisdom of thousands of years flow trough their lips. They ask only the chance to pass on to others the way of life and love for the Creator.
The Sun is round, so are the Moon and the Stars. They travel in a circle throughout the Universe. In fact, most creations of the Universe are circular. Everything depends on everything else and is called the Circle of Life.
The Circle of Life robe was designed to honour all the Elders and their responsibility to teach that all things are interrelated and an equal part of the whole.
“We are like drops of rain which will one day return to the ocean.”
The Elders know they themselves are here as a Seventh Generation and their way of life has been preserved because of the foresight of that precious generation.
“Life is like a path and we all have to walk the path. If we lay down, we lay on the path. When we get up, we walk the path again.”
The Circle of Life teaches us we are all children of the Earth, that we all share equal place in the circle, that when we mixed together, the four sacred colours of yellow, red, black and white - which represent the four directions or race of Man – create brown, the colour of Mother Earth.
“When we walk upon Mother Earth we always walk softly because we know the faces of future generations are looking up at us from beneath the ground.”
This robe honouring the Elders speaks of universal understandings. The East represents the Sun and is yellow, the South represents the warmth and vitality of life-blood and is red, the West represents the darkness in the night sky and stars and is black, the North represents the purity of snow and is white.
Each of the Four Directions represent a stage in life; East symbolizes birth, South vitality of youth, West the maturity of experiences and North the wisdom of age.
“True wisdom comes when you stop looking for it and start living the life Creator intended for you.”
The Circle of Life also consist of the colours of blue for the Sky and green for the Earth. The borders are based on designs found on ceremonial pipes called puzzle pieces. The cross reinforces the Four Directions and represents the four quarters of the world and the universe.
“When we light the Pipe we talk to the Four Directions. It is a link between Earth and Sky.”
The Circle of Life exemplifies a world of dissimilar things coming together to form a harmonious, beautiful pattern to the Elders who have kept these concepts alive for many generations.
“The Creator created the Earth, our Mother Earth, and gave her many duties; among them to care for us, His people. So let us put our minds together as One, and give thanks. May the World we leave be a better one than what was left for us.”
The Circle of Life is never-ending. It is the message the Elders – the Chosen Ones – give to their sons and daughters, to their children and their children’s children to the Seventh Generation.
The Elders give spiritual direction, the wisdom of thousands of years flow trough their lips. They ask only the chance to pass on to others the way of life and love for the Creator.
The Sun is round, so are the Moon and the Stars. They travel in a circle throughout the Universe. In fact, most creations of the Universe are circular. Everything depends on everything else and is called the Circle of Life.
The Circle of Life robe was designed to honour all the Elders and their responsibility to teach that all things are interrelated and an equal part of the whole.
“We are like drops of rain which will one day return to the ocean.”
The Elders know they themselves are here as a Seventh Generation and their way of life has been preserved because of the foresight of that precious generation.
“Life is like a path and we all have to walk the path. If we lay down, we lay on the path. When we get up, we walk the path again.”
The Circle of Life teaches us we are all children of the Earth, that we all share equal place in the circle, that when we mixed together, the four sacred colours of yellow, red, black and white - which represent the four directions or race of Man – create brown, the colour of Mother Earth.
“When we walk upon Mother Earth we always walk softly because we know the faces of future generations are looking up at us from beneath the ground.”
This robe honouring the Elders speaks of universal understandings. The East represents the Sun and is yellow, the South represents the warmth and vitality of life-blood and is red, the West represents the darkness in the night sky and stars and is black, the North represents the purity of snow and is white.
Each of the Four Directions represent a stage in life; East symbolizes birth, South vitality of youth, West the maturity of experiences and North the wisdom of age.
“True wisdom comes when you stop looking for it and start living the life Creator intended for you.”
The Circle of Life also consist of the colours of blue for the Sky and green for the Earth. The borders are based on designs found on ceremonial pipes called puzzle pieces. The cross reinforces the Four Directions and represents the four quarters of the world and the universe.
“When we light the Pipe we talk to the Four Directions. It is a link between Earth and Sky.”
The Circle of Life exemplifies a world of dissimilar things coming together to form a harmonious, beautiful pattern to the Elders who have kept these concepts alive for many generations.
“The Creator created the Earth, our Mother Earth, and gave her many duties; among them to care for us, His people. So let us put our minds together as One, and give thanks. May the World we leave be a better one than what was left for us.”
warme groet