The universe unfolds in divine ratios and proportions.
These have been understood, articulated, and utilized through the sacred
arts, sacred geometries and architecture, studies of sacred sound, and
so many other esoteric arts, throughout human history.
Divine Proportion. Sacred Form.
Divine Ratios. Sacred Harmonies.
This is how and why sound and music are such unifying and enhancing
principals for wellness.
The Harmonies devised in sacred music are devised from specific ratios
and principals of the unfolding universe which exists in these harmonic
All of life, from the finest molecules to the swirling galaxies obey,
unfold, and intertwine within these sacred relationships.
All is in resonance, and Divine Form.
All is devised of Divine Proportions.
When we come into harmony with any living thing, we come into harmony
with a living aspect of Creation, which resides in these Divine
Proportions, and Harmonic relationships.
Our modern musical system is based upon these principals of Divine
relationships, or intervals, and scales.
Thus, when we acclimate ourselves to any aspect of the Natural world of
Creation, we come into harmony with Creation itself.
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