maandag 10 november 2008

Einde en nieuw begin

Na een geweldige workshop, begon vandaag een dag van bij komen, integreren en heelrijk na genieten.
En huis opruimen! Vanochtend vroeg schreef ik de mannen een mail met een impressie hoe het is nu zij verder zijn getrokken.
Het schrijven geeft helderheid. En een kleine Despacho voor dankbaarheid, geofferd aan de Noorzee, bracht balans en een dankbaar warm gevoel.
Dit is wat ik hun schreef:

Yesterday when you were gone, I went to pick up my dog, Namaste.
I had to get used to him again, to connect again with him, for more then a week I was in a totally different world and it changed me. He had also a wonderful and busy week,
but happy to go home again.
When we arrived he run through the house, sniffing every spot,
yes the house has changed too.
Tired he fell directly to sleep.

And I, I walked through the house bit by bit.
Finding and sensing traces of your stay here.

In the bedroom traces of Alejandro's work and gifts.
Golden angels, stars and moon.
The room is filled with his energy and love.
In the corner a beautiful feather and shell, don't know if you left it on purpose, Alejandro,
but thank you anyway, they are on my altar as honouring and memoring of you.

The livingroom is full of the Light of Don Mareano.
I sit on his pillow were he sat almost all week.
Looking through his eyes, imagine seeing what he saw this week.
Western people, my friends, students, clients, collegues.
Happy, eager to learn, to be healed, to change.
Wounded, longing for love and light.
And I become silent inside.

Gifts everywhere, white dove, shining stones, candy, fruits.
All sweet.

Then I make a cup of tea in the kitchen.
Strange to have suddenly all this space to myself.
No Dennis behind his Mac, happy to work and creating new ideas.
Talking to me about life and new ideas arises.
Teasing me.
Cleaning up some small things, bring it to the garden and
there I find more traces of him.
A pack of sigarets on my garden table.
Maybe I leave them there for next time...

Don't want to clean the house yet.
Don't want to fast go into the daylife, the normal life.
Or what is normal now?
This was and is my life.
It stays with me.
I'll feed it and it feeds me.

First a little ceremony for your stay here.
For the gift God gave me, being a portal.
For gratefullness.
For all the people who came and were open for you, your work and energy.
May the seeds that are planted last week will grow deep roots.
Will blossom.
A little despacho made of the gifts that are giving last week.
Herbs, candy, flowers.
I even found a cocaleave on the floor.
I'll give it to my sea, North Sea, Chinchi Cocha.
Water that connects us.
Water of my tears, from sadness and happiness.

On 4 december 2007, almost a year ago I wrote this poem
for my newsletter, Greet brought it with her to the Temple of the Condor in Machu Picchu.

Powerful Eagle, Mighty Condor
Take us under your enormous wings
Let us rise up above our daily life
you who can see in the past and future
Let us see what really matters.
What do you want to show us, Powerful Bird,
There on the horizon of possibilities,
where we only dare to dream of?
What does your sharp eyes demonstrate where our focus may be
To not drift away and
keep our feet on the earth.
Condor, stretch your wings above us
and protect us
Remember us that the rising Sun, again and again,
promise us a new beginning.
